Jekyll tutorial with GitHub pages

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There is a great satisfaction to set up own Blog on GitHub pages. It took me a while to gather all the information from various sources and combine it to create a stylish website.

This article will lead you through all the steps and explain how set up your own open, professional-looking Blog. Which is perfect to show off portfolio, share knowledge and post easy to access tech articles for your future self.

You’ll be surprised how simple it is to combine most powerful technologies these days!

The guide assumes the reader has little to no knowledge of html/css/javascript/ruby/github-commands or other languages. Anybody with PC should be able to accomplish it in a few hours.

Without further ado… Let’s get started!

Step 1: GitHub Pages

You’ll need a github account. If you don’t yet have one, register it.

Quick question: What is git? - Simply put, it is a control version manager.

Ok, let’s move on.

There is a Github service: conveniently allows to host a personal (or company) website with a hostname like: From here on you have 2 choices:

  • Follow tutorial on amazing pages.github main page and create a page super quickly. The drawback is less customisation.
  • Follow this guide further. Understand and apply configurations. Maintain website locally.

As github pages suggest, the very first steps would be:

Head over to GitHub and create a new repository named, where username is your username (or organization name) on GitHub.

Create Repository

It is important to create repository with username exactly the same as registered. No need to initialize repository with

A terminal as a git client required for further steps. Get latest version here. Next item would be to configure authentication for connection to Git via Git terminal.

  1. Caching password in Git
  2. Generate SSH key


Brace yourself! And follow carefully step by step. It is rewarding after all :)

A few basic commands to navigate through your system via the terminal: pwd - shows the directory you are in ls - lists files in current directory cd - “change directory” - navigating to a specified directory

Now we’ll fetch the repository to you machine by running the command (be sure to replace username with yours):

git clone

This will create a directory named inside whatever folder you are currently in. From the command name it is evident that the repository got “cloned” to your machine (yes, in fact an empty repository would be cloned and initialized locally)

Eventually this newly created local folder will house all .html, .css, .js and .markdown pages of your website. All articles and posts edited or created locally then should be pushed to git repository to be presented on the web.

Step 2: Jekyll

As explained on Jekyll’s website:

Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator. It takes a template directory containing raw text files in various formats, runs it through a converter (like Markdown) and our Liquid renderer, and spits out a complete, ready-to-publish static website suitable for serving with your favorite web server. Jekyll also happens to be the engine behind GitHub Pages, which means you can use Jekyll to host your project’s page, blog, or website from GitHub’s servers for free.

To explain it even friendlier: Jekyll allows to make simple webpages just by writing content in templates (using Markdown language), which are automatically converted into beautiful HTML pages with mobile-friendly responsiveness. When put on github it generates a website that is hosted absolutely free!

Sounds great. Lets install it!

Jekyll requires ruby, so as a prerequisite we need to install Ruby and all necessary Gems: Get Ruby After ruby got installed, you’ll need to open a new terminal window, to run ruby commands. Let’s ensure we have latest version modules, install jekyll and a bundler:

gem update --system
gem install jekyll
gem install bundler
bundler update

Great! Now, cd to your folder cd and create the website:

jekyll new .
jekyll serve

Several lines would be printed out, one of them would look like http://localhost:4000. Open it in browser. Ta-da! Website is ready!

Step 3: GitHub

In this step we’ll move entire website onto web and make it available at

Remember we ran the command git clone - it not only cloned, but also primed our local git to a remote address (to a repository).

Just in case, alternative to clone would be commands:

git init
git remote add origin
git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories

Now, when we create a post we want it to become available on web! It can be done using following commands.

First of all the pages should be built, using:

jekyll serve

Ensure it’s been built and looks good locally. Then run following:

git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
git push origin master

You will be prompted for password upon push to github.

That would be a usual set of commands when publishing.

Step 4: Create a page in Jekyll

The structure of a blog is very simple. Say, you want to create About (or Portfolio or Contacts) section. Simply create page in the top level of your website, i.e. directly in your folder. In case you want to write posts, create a file in _posts folder with naming convention as in the example: 2017-09-10-New-Post.markdown.

Any text or code editor is suitable to manage *.markdown files. However I recommend Typora as absolutely amazing Markdown editor of choice. Check it out!

Let’s create About page as an example. Create a new file, called in your folder. md stands for Markdown. The contents of the file would be like this:

layout: page
title: about
comments: true
![Spike](../images/Spike.jpg 'See you, Space Cowboy!')
Hello, I'm Spike! [I travel the galaxy]( catching for bounty constantly getting into some serious "adventures" with my absolutely crazy crew. *Be water, my friend* is the way of living that ensures I'm still alive.

That snippet is a good example of Markdown text used to create pages. Markdown simple and friendly syntax will be automatically converted into a full fledged html by Jekyll. The page would look like this:

Spike Hello, I’m Spike! Travelling the galaxy catching for bounty and constantly getting into some serious “adventures” with my amazing and crazy crew. “Be water, my friend” is the way of living that ensures I’m still alive.

File starts with text between --- lines - it is called Front Matter. That section contains some necessary details of the page, such as template, date, title. Next goes actual body of the page. ![Spike](../folder/image.jpg) for example inserts an image. [Something](https://...) - creates an url A variety of syntax highlights can be used. Here is a handy Cheatsheet on Markdown.

Step 5: Create a post

Creating a post or article is easy and similar to the previous step.

Ensure to:

  1. In the _posts folder create a Markdown file, name it as following:
  2. In Front Matter section, set the layout to post: layout: post
  3. Set date and title in Front Matter

Now, the blog post would appear on your main page!

Preloaded text

Post excerpts are first lines of your article content displayed on the main page.

By default only the first paragraph will be displayed as an excerpt. Alternatively can be controlled by setting custom separator in the Front Matter section as following:

excerpt_separator: <!--more-->

Step 6: Adding comments!

We’ll use a popular service called Disqus, you probably familiar with so far. So, a Disqus account is required. Go get it, if you don’t have one.

When we did jekyll new <PATH> command, Jekyll installed a website with gem-based theme called Minima. What is so called gem-based? Simply put, most configs, templates and theme files are stored as gems for your Ruby. As explained in Jekyll docs the goal is:

To allow you to get all the benefits of a robust, continually updated theme without having all the theme’s files getting in your way and over-complicating what might be your primary focus: creating content.

Ok, what that means for us in practice, is that we need to copy certain files from gem folder to our folder in order to edit it and add comments! Find out where gem is stored on your computer with a command bundle show minima:

E:\Git\>bundle show minima

Jekyll docs explain:

To replace layouts or includes in your theme, make a copy in your _layouts or _includes directory of the specific file you wish to modify, or create the file from scratch giving it the same name as the file you wish to override.

Ok, keeping above in mind, lets do the following: Create _includes folder in directory. Then create a file disqus_comments.html inside, with the contents:

if page comments

Any code in between these two lines will be included if Front Matter for that page has comments: true. Go to Disqus to get Universal Code for Jekyll and insert it between if lines. Universal code looks like this:

<div id="disqus_thread"></div>



  var disqus_config = function () { = PAGE_URL;  // Replace PAGE_URL with your page's canonical URL variable = PAGE_IDENTIFIER; // Replace PAGE_IDENTIFIER with your page's unique identifier variable
  (function() { // DON'T EDIT BELOW THIS LINE
  var d = document, s = d.createElement('script');
  s.src = '';
  s.setAttribute('data-timestamp', +new Date());
  (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);
  <noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.</noscript>

Please note, that s.src is given for my website! Disqus should provide you with your own url.

Next, copy post.html template from gem-based _layouts to local _layouts folder. In this layout template we’ll put one-line code that would include disqus comments to any post we want. So, just above the closing </article> tag add the following:

include disqus comments


Posts with comments: true set in the Front Matter should now have comments enabled!

Optional: set up comment count

Add the following to _layouts/default.html before the closing body tag. Change SHORTNAME to the Disqus shortname you are using.

<script id="dsq-count-scr" src="//" async></script>

Add #disqus_thread to the end of a URL and Disqus will count the comments on the page the link points to. For example, my _layouts/post.html contains the following code. Note the comment count at the top of this post.


index.html contains the following code to display the comment count for each post in the home page:

<a href="">0 Comments</a>

Possible reference, in case of hostname or postname migration, a Disqus Migration Tool can be used, to transfer comments if any.

Step 7: Adding Google Analytics for Jekyll

Google Analytics is a powerful tool to see how your site performs on the web with vast capabilities, all provided by a small code snippet to be inserted into the head section of a website. Go get unique code snippet from Google Analytics.

Analytics provides several options:

  1. A new Website Tracking gtag.js (Global Site Tracking). New Beta.
  2. analytics.js - a conservative choice. “If you are not ready to upgrade to Website Tracking yet” - as their page says.

I stick to the newest option. It looks something like this:

<!-- Global Site Tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
<script async src="<YOUR UNIQUE ID>"></script>
  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
  function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments)};
  gtag('js', new Date());
  gtag('config', <YOUR UNIQUE ID>);

Create google-analytics.html in _includes, and insert Google Analytics script from above. Next, we’ll enable it on all pages. Doing this is easy: include the google-analytics into relevant template file.

Copy default.html template from gem-based _layouts to your local _layouts folder. Put this line:

include analytics

in between the opening <html> and <body> tags of the default.html file. Congratulations! We are done!


Hope this guide was helpful! We’ve gone through quite a lot of steps so far! This is rewarding!

Now you have a solid Blog! From now on this powerful tool would be perfect to share articles, cheatsheets, show off portfolio and all this in a transparent and reachable form all over the world provided by amazing github!

Again, a handy cheatsheet of most frequent commands. First serve and build pages locally:

bundle exec jekyll serve

Then upload to github:

git init
git clone
git commit -m "Update with my new useful article on Machine Learning"
git push origin master

Enjoy blogging!

Your comments are highly regarded, whether it is just saying hi, weight in with appreciation, addition, edition, suggestion, rendition. Or any other form of “dition”.

															*See you, space cowboy...*


Great tutorial by Brian Caffey - Thanks Brian!

Sgeos for adding disqus

Jekyll docs

About Phaneendra Kumar

Technology Enthusiast, Travelling, Cooking, Movies

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